How to Get Out of a Real Estate Contract

The decision to enter into a real estate contract involves an extensive financial and personal investment. While the decision to buy or sell a property may seem like a good idea in the beginning, your opinion may change while going through the process and it is important you know how to get out of a real estate contract in Florida in the event you change your mind for any reason. 

Daryl L. Jones, Founder and Faequa A. Khan of The Law Offices of Daryl L. Jones, P.A, has extensive experience helping clients navigate real estate transactions in Florida. If you decide you no longer want to take part in a particular transaction, it is important you have the knowledge to understand which situations allow you to get out of a real estate contract that has already been drawn up and signed by the parties.

What Are the Grounds to Rescind a Real Estate Contract in Florida?

According to Florida law, a buyer or seller is able to terminate a residential real estate contract and walk away from the deal without penalty by seeking rescission. Rescinding a real estate contract means the contract is considered to have no force and effect from the beginning or that the contract is canceled. In some Florida real estate contracts, rescission will be written into the contract, but if rescission is not included in the terms of the original contract that does not mean the contract cannot be canceled. Some of the ways you may be able to get out of a real estate contract through rescission are as follows:

  • You were sold landlocked property and the seller is unable to provide you with legal access to the property you purchased
  • You were a victim of real estate fraud
  • There is a title defect that cannot be remedied 
  • You were a victim of a mistake in which you were not made aware of the details of the contract before it was signed

If you believe that you may have grounds for the rescission of your real estate contract in Florida, there are several steps to take to get out of the contract legally:

  • You should go over the contract to ensure that you have legal grounds to cancel the contract
  • If there is no contract provision that allows for rescission, investigate whether there is a cause of action under Florida’s common law that will allow you to get out of the contract
  • Get the help of a trusted Florida real estate lawyer who may help you collect evidence needed for your case to be successful and provide you with trusted representation

Getting out of a Florida real estate contract may seem stressful whether you are the buyer or the seller. However, when you have the help of a legal professional like Faequa Khan, with extensive experience helping clients like you, you will have the dedicated representation needed to help you get the best possible outcome for your case. 

Speak With a Trusted Florida Real Estate Lawyer as Soon as Possible

Founder Daryl L. Jones of The Law Offices of Daryl L. Jones, P.A, have extensive knowledge of all matters regarding real estate contracts and how to get out of them in Florida. With extensive training from Founder Daryl L. Jones, and over 10 years of experience helping buyers and sellers get out of real estate contracts that do not benefit them, Daryl L. Jones has the skills to help protect individuals’ interests. 

With extensive training from Founder Daryl L. Jones, Attorney Faequa A. Khan is passionate about helping you find a solution for all of your real estate legal needs and will provide the knowledgeable representation you deserve. To schedule a free initial strategy session, contact us here or call 305-969-3602.

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